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dc.contributor.authorHo, Van Lam-
dc.contributor.authorTran, Xuan Viet-
dc.contributor.authorHuynh, Ngoc Khoa-
dc.descriptionProceedings of the 13th International Conference on Information Technology and Its Applications (CITA 2024); pp: 123-133.vi_VN
dc.description.abstractThis study aims to build predict Melasma model based on Catboost machine learning algorithm on users' data combined with medical practice data community by dermatologists to predict the disease and make some necessary recommendations in the patient screening. This study also helps reduce treatment costs and supports remote patient treatment. In this study, we built a prediction melasma model using Catboost machine learning algorithm to assist dermatolo-gists in predicting a person's risk of Melasma after entering his/her community information. People can use this model through an application to track their risk of Melasma. We built a dataset with relevant information combined input community data with the expertise of Melasma specialists to predict Melasma. Based on this dataset, we have statistically described the data characteristics as well as the correlated data parameters that may cause Melasma, then we use the CatBoost machine learning algorithm to build a prediction model to predict whether a person is infected to Melasma or not. The obtained results are going to be applied to assist in predicting whether a person may have Melasma with the input of community information combined with medical practice knowledge about the disease. From this result, it is possible to continue researching and applying artificial intelligence to support diagnosis and treatment of Melasma.vi_VN
dc.publisherVietnam-Korea University of Information and Communication Technologyvi_VN
dc.subjectCatBoost algorithmvi_VN
dc.subjectMelasma diseasevi_VN
dc.subjectMachine learning algorithmvi_VN
dc.subjectPrediction Melasma modelvi_VN
dc.subjectBoosting algorithmsvi_VN
dc.titleBuilding Melasma Prediction Model Using Catboost Algorithmvi_VN
dc.typeWorking Papervi_VN
Appears in Collections:CITA 2024 (Proceeding - Vol 2)

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